My 4 core principles to guide you on your fitness journey

As a personal trainer and owner of FancyFitFitness LLC, there are a few core principles I stand by. I believe if you go about your fitness journey by these guidelines, it’ll prove to be an extremely fun and enjoyable road!

1) Patience is key

You will not have your dream body overnight, not even in a few months. With fitness (and many other things in life) there is no quick fix. Transforming your body takes time, patience, consistency and discipline. Health is always our top priority, so we will do everything the healthy way. No crash diets, no fad detox teas and no miracle fat vanishing wrap. By keeping a healthy diet, training with intensity, getting your cardio done and being patient, you will have results.

2) Do not compare yourself to others

I strongly ask that my clients do not let themselves get caught up in analyzing and comparing their progress to anyone else’s. Someone may be well into their fitness journey, while you are just barely beginning. One person’s progress, beauty or strengths do not negate your own. If you have time to worry about what others are doing, you aren’t focused enough on your own journey. Focus on YOU!

3) Take responsibility for yourself

Many times I get the question “How do you stay motivated? It’s simple, the fact that I am not where I want to be is enough motivation alone. The results I achieve with hard work and consistency, motivates me. Motivating others, motivated me. Don’t rely on someone to say “You can do it, get your workout done!” Find that motivation within yourself! Ask yourself, “Why do I want to change?” Think of an honest answer, and then you will find your motivation.

4) Have fun

Fitness should never feel like punishment. As a trainer, I want my clients to look forward to their workouts every day. Sure, you will have to display some discipline if you want to change, but in doing so, you should never feel miserable or unhappy. Every woman deserves to wake up feeling happy and confident in her skin, my goal is to help each and every one of my girls accomplish that.